Parquet and children
Perfectly equipped for active everyday life: what to bear in mind when mixing children and parquet.
Perfectly equipped for active everyday life: what to bear in mind when mixing children and parquet.
Perfectly equipped for active everyday life: what to bear in mind when mixing children and parquet.
Playing, painting, building, running around: living with children leads to all sorts of exciting adventures. Little explorers want to try new things and explore their surroundings. Sometimes drops of paint end up on the floor and, on occasion, it gets a bit scratched when the children are running around. It is good to know beforehand that your parquet floor can be protected and cared for.
Depending on the type of wood and the surface treatment, parquet can be somewhat more sensitive than other types of flooring. However, thanks to its special surface treatment, parquet by Bauwerk is very robust and durable, and offers the best protection against signs of everyday use.
From a glass of orange juice to a bowl of vegetable soup: the small mishaps of everyday life can be easily wiped away, without having to worry about any permanent discolouration. However, attention should be paid to joints: particles of dirt tend to accumulate deeper in these areas.
How Bauwerk parquet is cared for and cleaned depends on the respective surface treatment. But no matter which option you choose, the task is generally easy and uncomplicated. With these tips, you can effortlessly remove the most common signs of wear, or even avoid them altogether:
If you are looking for suitable care products, you can find an extensive variety of them in one of our worlds of parquetshowrooms, or in our online shop.
Wooden floors have a positive effect on the room atmosphere, benefitting the entire family, including children. Anyone who chooses a parquet floor from Bauwerk receives our unique guarantee: Bauwerk’s products do not have any negative health effects. On the contrary, Bauwerk stands for a pleasant, healthy living space: an important factor for both parents and children. Benefiting from modern Silentetechnology, Bauwerk has created an innovative system solution that reduces intrusive sounds. The special bonding technique considerably reduces the noise produced by walking and impacts: perfect for lively family life.
Neudorfstrasse 49
9430 St. Margrethen
T +41 71 747 74 74
In 1935, Ernst Göhner brought the idea of solid parquet to mass production before founding Bauwerk Parkett in 1944. Since then, Bauwerk has been researching, developing, and manufacturing innovative, aesthetic parquet solutions of the highest quality with great passion and Swiss precision. Original parquet floors by Bauwerk, one of Europe’s leading parquet manufacturers, offer the unique feel of a real piece of nature that provides tangible warmth and healthy living for a perfectly balanced atmosphere in any room. Experience Bauwerk’s diverse range of wooden floors in one of our showrooms and get our advice without any obligations.