Cleaning and Care
Parquet can be enjoyed for a very long time with the right cleaning and care. Therefore, Bauwerk offers a range of cleaning and care products, which are perfectly matched to your parquet flooring.
Parquet can be enjoyed for a very long time with the right cleaning and care. Therefore, Bauwerk offers a range of cleaning and care products, which are perfectly matched to your parquet flooring.
Parquet can be enjoyed for a very long time with the right cleaning and care. Therefore, Bauwerk offers a range of cleaning and care products, which are perfectly matched to your parquet flooring.
The natural oiled Bauwerk Parkett floors make an especially natural impression through their sealed and partially film-forming surfaces. With regular cleaning and care, the oiled surfaces of highly utilised parquet surfaces can retain their long-lasting protection and optical appearance.
The lacquered Bauwerk floors in B-Protect®, lacquered or matt, are especially tough and long-lasting because of their coating layer. The sealant varnish is protected through regular cleaning and care, which prevents wear and tear while maintaining the optical impression of the lacquer surface.
Bauwerk offers practical and easy to use cleaning tools for private households. The reasonably priced Bauwerk surface mop is well suited for cleaning parquet floors. For larger surfaces, a disk cleaner with a fine cleaning pad can be used.
When cleaned and looked after properly, your parquet floor will give you pleasure for many years to come. That is why Bauwerk Parquet offers you a whole range of cleaning and care products that are ideally suited to your parquet floor. The individual surface finish treatments for Bauwerk flooring protects the high quality parquet wood from wear and dirt.
Do you have any questions about cleaning and taking care of your parquet floor? We are happy to share the long-standing knowledge and experience in parquet cleaning and care. There is an expert tip for every situation and for every floor — be it lacquered or not. With these, cleaning and taking care of your parquet will become even simpler, and you will enjoy your high-quality Bauwerk parquet floor for a long time.
Neudorfstrasse 49
9430 St. Margrethen
T +41 71 747 74 74
In 1935, Ernst Göhner brought the idea of solid parquet to mass production before founding Bauwerk Parkett in 1944. Since then, Bauwerk has been researching, developing, and manufacturing innovative, aesthetic parquet solutions of the highest quality with great passion and Swiss precision. Original parquet floors by Bauwerk, one of Europe’s leading parquet manufacturers, offer the unique feel of a real piece of nature that provides tangible warmth and healthy living for a perfectly balanced atmosphere in any room. Experience Bauwerk’s diverse range of wooden floors in one of our showrooms and get our advice without any obligations.