Parquet Know-how

The Look of parquet planks: from calm to rustic Gradings

The art of producing parquet is in achieving the most balanced, reliable grading possible. Wood is a multifaceted, natural product, and every plank is unique.

The art of producing parquet is in achieving the most balanced, reliable grading possible. Wood is a multifaceted, natural product, and every plank is unique.

Every tree trunk, plank and resulting parquet strip is unique. Certain features that are intrinsic to wood are responsible for its unique look: The ray fleck pattern gives the wood a slightly shiny effect, and is created by cutting through wood rays, which are the tree’s storage cells. The light colouration is created by young sapwood, containing capillaries delivering water to the crown of the tree. Smaller and bigger knots, as well as differences in the intensity of colour interactions, add a special character to the parquet, and determine the look of its planks.

Grading index: a uniform look for parquet planks

To achieve the desired appearance for a parquet floor, Bauwerk classifies individual strips based on wood features in a 'grading index’. It serves as a tool when looking for the right parquet to choose from. Grading is a decisive element for the appearance of parquet floors.

Numbers 1 through 6 stand for the different colour and structural features of the wood, which can vary slightly, depending on the wood type:

1 – very calm, uniform
2 – calm, balanced
3 – slightly lively
4 – naturally lively
5 – full of character, very lively
6 – very lively, rustic

The grading number always comprises a number of the wood’s features. Grading 13, therefore, means that all the wood-specific features between 1 and 3 must be included. Whereas grading 35 only contains the features between 3 and 5.

Villapark Oak in grading 14


Calm grading

Few small knots and ray flecks create a calm overall look. The gentle play of colour emphasises the wood's elegant radiance. Parquet with a calm grading is a discreet addition to any room.

Grading 12, 13 and 14

Villapark Oak in grading 35


Lively grading

The possible wood features of a lively grading are more knots, ray flecks and sapwood. The marked interplay of colour and structure emphasises the wood’s natural character.

Grading 15, 24, 34, 25 and 35

Villapark Oak in grading 46


Rustic grading

Parquet with rustic grading becomes the centrepiece in any room. Large, prominent knots, the lively interplay of colours and distinctive ray flecks define the appearance of this floor.

Grading 45 and 46

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