Install your dream parquet virtually in your home with just a single click.
Find your favourite parquet from more than 200 items that suits to you and your home. The Bauwerk Parquet Visualizer assists you in searching for your dream parquet. Make yourself comfortable on your sofa with a cup of tea and take out your smartphone, tablet or laptop. You can use the Parquet Visualizer to install the most varied range of floors in seconds virtually in your home. There is no easier way to find a new Bauwerk parquet.

How does the Bauwerk Parquet Visualizer work?
Installing your parquet of choice virtually could not be easier thanks to the Bauwerk Parquet Visualizer. Just take a photo of your room with your smartphone or tablet and upload it. A few minutes later you will see just how your chosen parquet would look when installed in your home.
You do not have the possibility to upload your own photo? No problem, we have already uploaded some room scenes for you.
You can judge in just a few seconds whether the colour and format of your selected parquet covering actually work in your home. Test out as many floor coverings as you like. Choosing a floor at home from the comfort of your sofa is still the most pleasant option.

Be creative
The Visualizer offers you many possibilities for finding the perfect parquet for your home. Not only can you test which colour or format best suits your personal style, you can also find the optimum installation direction. The visualizer considers each individual detail of the photographed room such as your furniture, the incidence of light and the associated shadowing. You will therefore know immediately how your dream floor should be installed to get the best results.
You can of course send the picture of your designed room directly via e-mail or print it out. This is a really easy way of involving friends and family in the decision-making process.