Experience parquet with all the sense

Competent parquet specialists are ready to help you in the spacious, inspirational setting of our Bauwerk Parquet Worlds. Interactive tools and professional advice on interior design will help you choose the right floor for you.

Free advice

In a personal meeting with one of our experienced parquet advisers, you will receive answers to all your questions about parquet as well as tips on choosing the right flooring.

Parquet Configurator

An interactive "Parquet Configurator" allows you to place the floors you want in different rooms. This will help you to visualise the effect of the type of wood and the direction the wood is laid and how this interacts with different wall colours and styles of living space.

Interplay between different materials

Our "Material Tool" allows you to visually enlarge the sample boards, even test out how they will harmonise with tiles, carpets, fabrics or kitchen counter tops.

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