true colours edition

by Gesa Hansen

Villapark True Colours is an homage to nature: fascinatingly subtle and uniquely authentic. A foray into the elements, back to our roots. The colour tones of the unique Parquet Edition underscore the beauty of the wood in its diverse originality: every plank is unique. 

Villapark True Colours is an homage to nature: fascinatingly subtle and uniquely authentic. A foray into the elements, back to our roots. The colour tones of the unique Parquet Edition underscore the beauty of the wood in its diverse originality: every plank is unique. 

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Back to the roots
Interview with Gesa Hansen

Back to the roots

"Next" colour technology

Designer Gesa Hansen loves wood as a material, its smell and texture, its natural character. She has created the unique True Colours Edition in cooperation with Bauwerk, inspired by nature and its elements. Being an interior designer, Hansen also participated in the shooting of the True Colours Edition at her own house near Paris.

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